Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Double Chin Surgery

Are you at a stage where you are considering surgery to get rid of your double chin? You are not alone. Surgery is considered by many people who want immediate results.This article gives you the pros and cons of such a decision.As you will see , although you have an immediate effect ,any weight gain after the operation will bring back your double chin. But if you are motivated enough to work on your new look and keep your weight down ,you will enjoy the lovely new silhouette that looks back at you from your mirror.

Double Chin Surgery : Before and After

"5 Risks and Benefits of Double Chin Reduction Surgery
A double chin is one of those physical changes that accompany growing old. It’s right up there with wrinkles, sagging arms and a beer belly. If you’re like most people then you probably wish to prevent these changes from occurring for as long as possible. A double chin is caused by loosening of the skin around the neck and chin area. Combine this with the storage of extra fat and you may find yourself sporting two chins instead of one. There are several ways to get rid of or at least reduce a double chin and one of them is to seek surgery. Surgery to reduce a double chin is also known as chin liposuction. If you are thinking of going under the knife to get rid of your double chin then it’s important that you do some research first to determine if this is the right step for you. Here are some of the risks and benefits associated with double chin reduction surgery.

Benefit: Rapid Results

Double chin reduction surgery brings incredibly fast results. The surgery is relatively simple – it involves removing excess fat from your chin – and only takes about a few hours to complete. So if you go into surgery during the afternoon, chances are you will be able to go back home at night minus your double chin.

Benefit: Fast Recovery

Aside from bringing fast results, double chin surgery also requires little time to recover. Developments are constantly being made in the field of cosmetic surgery and a large part of the research is dedicated to speeding up the recovery process. If you undergo chin liposuction, chances are you will be able to go back to work after a couple of days. Even though there is the expected bruising and swelling, these signs will tend to become less and less visible in the following days.

Benefit: A New Shape

Double chin surgery offers more than just reduction. Aside from the removal of your double chin, the plastic surgeon will likely offer to re-shape your chin as well. So if you wish to change the shape of your chin as well then you might want to consider surgery.

Risk: Results are Not Permanent

Even though double chin surgery is effective, you need to understand that it is only a quick-fix for the most part. Without making changes to your lifestyle, no amount of surgery will give you permanent weight loss results. Without incorporating exercise and a healthy diet to your lifestyle, you will likely see your double chin return again.

Risk: Expensive

Double chin reduction surgery, like all types of plastic surgery, is quite expensive. It can cost several thousand dollars depending on where your doctor is located. Plus, you may lose money if you have to take time off of work. Unless you are sitting on a million-dollar fortune, you might want to think twice about spending your hard-earned money on something that won’t likely bring you long-lasting results."

As you can see from the above photo , the results are stunning! As the article states the results are not permanent which makes the choice of having the surgery a difficult one.But.. and that is a big but...If you can change your lifestyle to healthy choices concerning diet AND exercise ,you might just be the right candidate for double chin surgery.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lose Double Chin With Weight Loss And Exercise

 In the past I have posted various double chin exercises. But I find that the most important step to take to banish a double chin is to lose weight.Kirsty Alley is an example of someone who gained weight and with that , a double chin! Weight gain will result in fat being deposited on your arms, legs, hips and of course your face! The result : an extra chin. Concentrate on a healthy eating plan like the Paleo Diet .  Start a exercise routine that you will enjoy.Look at an activity that you will want to do.If you do not like a sweat smelling Gym, don't go.Rather go swimming, jogging or go and do a group activity like tennis or squash.

"Chin up! Banish that double chin!

Brahma bulls, turkeys, Vince Vaughn, Tom Hanks, Roseanne Barr and Kirstie Alley all sport ‘em. But for most folks, a double chin isn’t something to build a reputation on.
This submental accumulation of fat (really, they call chin fat “submental!”) can happen to folks who aren’t overweight. That’s because some people simply have a genetic predisposition to deposit profile-building fat below their jawline. For the rest, it comes from loss of muscle and skin tone (associated with aging) or as part of excess body fat — and for those folks, it’s an indication that they’re due for a lifestyle overhaul.
There are medical solutions for a double chin — liposuction, surgery and, now in clinical trials, injections of synthetic bile acid that cause submental fat to be flushed from the area without leaving saggy skin behind. But we favour another approach; it’s not Hollywood-style, but it works.
1. Chin-ercise! Slowly tip head backward. Open your mouth wide; jut your chin out. Hold for a count of 5. Raise your head; relax. Repeat 10-15 times daily.
2. Add 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day (walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and there’s nothing wrong with a roll in the hay!).
3. Upgrade your diet to eliminate all saturated and trans fats, added sugars and sugar syrups, and any grain that isn’t 100 per cent whole. (Make sure to read those food labels; these fat-inducing additives are hidden everywhere!)
Now chin up, up and away!"
Read the article here:
Although double chin exercises show results, in this article the focus is on losing excess weight .As many folks who try to lose weight may tell you: Easier said than done!The fact is if you don't man up and lose the extra weight now, not only will you find yourself with many health challenges like diabetes and joint pain because of extra weight, you will not completely get rid of your double chin!
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