Saturday, April 6, 2013

Exercises For Double Chin And Jowls

Is the face staring back to you in the mirror not the one you remember?Are the results of a fantastic holiday season still staring you in the face?Does your neck seamlessly join  with your  face?The good news is there is something you can do about it!Read this article that teaches you to strengthen your "mylohyoid "muscle.This is the muscle that shapes your jawline and helps you swallow.The basic rule of " use it or lose it"works even for the muscles that support the neck and jaw.
Exercises For Double Chin And Jowls.

"Mylohyoid Exercises

 By Erin Smith
The mylohyoid muscle is one of the superficial muscles of the neck. It forms the floor of your mouth cavity and contributes to the shape of your jaw. The muscle also contributes to swallowing and speaking by lifting the tongue and hyoid bone. As you age, the muscle may become weak and create difficulty swallowing. The muscle may also become slack and create a double chin. Mylohyoid exercises strengthen the muscle to maintain proper mouth function and reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Swallow Sequence

Step 1

Sit in a comfortable position with your shoulders relaxed. Rest your hands in your lap.

Step 2

Tilt your chin up and press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, behind your teeth. Swallow once.

Step 3

Keep your chin tilted up and tilt your right ear toward your right shoulder. Swallow.

Step 4

Keep your chin tilted up and tilt your left ear toward your left shoulder. Swallow.

Step 5

Return to the start position. Repeat the swallow sequence three times.

Tongue Presses

Step 1

Place one thumb directly under your chin. Let your index finger rest on the front of your chin.

Step 2

Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. You should feel the area under your chin tense.

Step 3

Hold for five seconds and release. Repeat the tongue press 10 times.

Head Lifts

Step 1

Lie on a bed or mat. Support your head with enough pillows to keep your head in a neutral position.

Step 2

Tuck your chin and lift your head to look at your feet. Do not lift your shoulders.

Step 3

Hold for one second and lower your head. Repeat the head lift 20 times."

Few people love exercise! I have found the best way to keep me motivated to do these exercises is to ask myself where I will be in two to three weeks time if I keep this up. Take a "before" photograph and see the improvement in a very short time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I needed to read this remarkable article a second time to ensure I fully understood your own points. I agree with many of them as well as plan to return for more.

    Have a nice day...!!

    Neck Tightening
