Friday, April 5, 2013

How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin

To get rid of a double chin will require  some commitment from your side as this will not happen overnight.The following exercises will help, but you will have to do them very often to see results.As it goes with exercises the more you repeat a certain exercise the more the muscles will contract and become defined.What you basically need is to tighten muscles that have become weak. Weak   facial muscles  and in this case , throat muscles will react to exercise, of this you can be certain.I found this informative article that gives a few exercise to help get rid of your double chin.

"The Best Exercises for a Double Chin 

 Fat stored in the front of the neck, under the chin, is often referred to as a double chin. This fat pulls the skin away from the neck muscles to cause a loose, wobbly look. Losing overall body weight and toning your neck, jaw and face muscles with will strengthen the front of the neck for a smoother, tighter appearance. For the greatest benefits, you should do facial exercises daily.

Tilt and Extend

The tilt and extend exercise engages the muscles of the neck, jaw and face, and elongates the neck. Begin this exercise standing tall with your back in neutral alignment, hips over feet, and shoulders over hips. Relax your shoulders down away from your ears and pull your chin horizontal to the floor--this is neutral head alignment. Inhale and lift your chin up to the ceiling, hold this position and exhale as you open your mouth and stick your tongue out. Inhale and bring your head back to neutral alignment. Repeat this movement five to eight times.

Chin to Shoulder Lift

 The chin to shoulder lift is a variation of the baby bird facial yoga pose. This exercise engages the muscles of the neck, jaw and face. Begin this exercise sitting or standing with a tall spine, and shoulders down away from your ears. Inhale and look to your right, exhale and hold. Inhale and smile as wide as you can while you lift your chin up toward the ceiling, exhale and bring your chin down to your shoulder. Repeat this movement five times, then bring your head back to center. Repeat the entire sequence on the left.

Chin Thrust

The chin thrust is a variation of the chin lift facial yoga exercise. This exercise is best performed in a comfortable chair, couch or bed. Begin by propping pillows up behind your back for support. Lean back on the pillows so your head is looking up at the ceiling. Make sure your neck is completely supported by the pillows. Inhale and relax your face, neck and shoulders. Pull your tongue up to the roof of your mouth and hold; extend your chin up toward the ceiling 10 to 12 times. Relax and repeat the chin thrusts for one to two more sets of 10 to 12."

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